Friday, March 11, 2011

Home Made Electronic Related Kilt Pin

Having an interest in electronics I wanted a kilt pin that reflected that interest. Lacking finding anything I made one. Pulled a radio tube out of the junk box and attached a pin. The pin came from Jo Ann Fabric store. They come in a bag of ten. The pin is 1-1/4" long with a flat edge. Using JB Weld epoxy I glued the pin onto the glass tube. JB Weld should hold that as long as I don't scrap it up against a leg of a table. That would probably bust the glass. So now I have my electronic kilt pin. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kilt surveys

From time to time I run across a survey about men wearing kilts. Many are biased based on the site posting the survey and/or how the question was asked. Sometimes the survey shows up on a web forum where you would not expect to find a discussion about kilts. Someone on another forum ran across this one. The web site is not one where I would have expected any discussion about kilts. This site is predominantly for women and I would expect few of them have any kilted men folk in the house. I found some of the comments interesting. I did not post a response myself.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kilted at Geocaching Event

I attended a Geocache event today. The theme was wear red for Valentine day and that way others in attendance would know whom was with the group. I normally attend in a kilt so today was no exception. Geocaching is an activity that is attracting other "kilties". I have run across others but I am the only regular participant that wears a kilt in this area. Today I ran into another local cacher that wears a kilt. He was not wearing one for today's event but I hope he attends future events in a kilt now that he knows there is someone else in the area. Some guys don't want to be the only one wearing a kilt. With this group kilted Geocachers is nothing new. There have been others in this area before me. I appear to be the only one still in the area that is actively caching in a kilt. Or at least attending the social events in a kilt. So guys dawn the kilt and get out in the world.

We held today's event at a local pizza establishment. The owner came around and took pictures. They are working on a Facebook page and have been taking photos of customers, especially groups, that frequent their business. The owner, a lady, took an interest in the kilt so my picture will end up on their Facebook page at some point. I was unable to find the page so I guess it is not online yet. All in good time.

Today was an excellent day for Geocaching as the weather was sunny and about 50 degrees. Heat wave from what we have experienced in the last month. I went to the Geocache event at the pizza place but did not go after any caches.

I think I met the "wear red" requirement:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

You have guts to do that

I stopped at the grocery store this afternoon. As I was walking back to my car the young lady collecting carts said to me "you have guts to do that". "I like your kilt and glad to see your wearing it". I don't know if she has has been in the store other times I was shopping.

In the store a lady made a comment about it being a little cold but at the same time a young lady walked by in what I first thought was a mini Utilikilt but it was not. The skirt was mid thigh, no stocking or socks, wearing 6" high boots. Now I know she had to be cold but the lady dismissed that and addressed the "cold" comment to me. Go figure.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More Blogs

Found two more kilt related blogs. This one is from a kilt maker:

This is the second:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Casual Kilts from Heritage Of Scotland

Added a couple of kilts to my collection so I can keep up with my "you can't have just one" philosophy. Based on a recommendation from a kilt blog I follow I thought I would try Heritage of Scotland for their casual PV kilt line. The intended purpose for these kilts are for more casual everyday wear so PV was desired. Placed the order and it was dispatched quickly arriving from across the pond via FedEx. The material is 85% Viscose Rayon and 35% Acetate Fiber. The kilt felt a little heavier than my other PV kilts but on the scale they both come in at 2 pounds for a 38" kilt. Out of curiosity I wanted to know how much material went into the kilt. So on a Sunday afternoon, with nothing else on my social calendar, I measured the material in each pleat and the entire kilt. Came up with a length of 6.5 yards.

The tartan on the first kilt they call "Freedom". I looked it up on the tartan registry and nothing listed with "Freedom" in the name that looked like this. I guess it is free of being registered so I assume it is just a fashion tartan. The second one I received is MacDonald.

This model only comes in a 24" length but it does have hem using a blind stitch. I normally try to get my kilts at 23" so it could be shortened but I probably won't.

I have been wearing the "Freedom" kilt all weekend. Received a few good comments. Both kilts will serve their intended purpose.

Heritage Of Scotland Freedom Casual Kilt


Holding the MacDonald

Inside of kilt

Hem from the inside which is done with a blind stitch.
HoScasualKiltInside label:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Burns Night Dinner 2011

That time a year again to cellibrate the Scottish poet Robert Burns. I went back to Barley's Smokehouse in Columbus, Ohio. That is a fun group of about 60 in attendance. I wrote about last years Burns night which you will find in the 2010 posts. This is a more casual group than some Burns dinners. Some pictures from this year's dinner:

Taping the keg:

A few of the participants:



Yes we had an official kilt inspector:

Reading of Burns went on through the evening:

Piping the Haggis:

The Haggis (don't ask what is in it):

After the drinks started to take their effects: