Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kilted at Geocaching Event

I attended a Geocache event today. The theme was wear red for Valentine day and that way others in attendance would know whom was with the group. I normally attend in a kilt so today was no exception. Geocaching is an activity that is attracting other "kilties". I have run across others but I am the only regular participant that wears a kilt in this area. Today I ran into another local cacher that wears a kilt. He was not wearing one for today's event but I hope he attends future events in a kilt now that he knows there is someone else in the area. Some guys don't want to be the only one wearing a kilt. With this group kilted Geocachers is nothing new. There have been others in this area before me. I appear to be the only one still in the area that is actively caching in a kilt. Or at least attending the social events in a kilt. So guys dawn the kilt and get out in the world.

We held today's event at a local pizza establishment. The owner came around and took pictures. They are working on a Facebook page and have been taking photos of customers, especially groups, that frequent their business. The owner, a lady, took an interest in the kilt so my picture will end up on their Facebook page at some point. I was unable to find the page so I guess it is not online yet. All in good time.

Today was an excellent day for Geocaching as the weather was sunny and about 50 degrees. Heat wave from what we have experienced in the last month. I went to the Geocache event at the pizza place but did not go after any caches.

I think I met the "wear red" requirement:

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