Sunday, June 16, 2013

Steampunk Kilt Pin

Kilts and Steampunk just go together.  I attended a Steampunk convention a couple of months ago.  A number of guys were in kilts. Anything from traditional tartan to contemporary styles such as the Utilikilt.  I even found one of the vendors selling utility type kilts using material with a Steampunk theme.  The material was a little light for a kilt but looked good.

There is a lady that attends some of our kilt nights in Columbus, OH.  Turns out she makes jewelry.  She made a Steampunk kilt pin she calls a "key to time".  She has a copyright on this design.  Her company is ELM Jewelry Designs.  

Now I need another Steampunk convention to go to so I can wear it.  On second thought the next kilt night will do.